Contact Vintage Note

We kindly ask you before posting to read our policy about our mission and the scope of our services, what we do and what we do NOT - like remote pricing.

Please read the frame at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

Do note that we DO NOT BUY the following components:

tuners, tape machines (reel or cassette), anything related to video machinery, tube amplifiers (very exciting but we do not have the expertise), PA/SONO. No modern Hi-Fi. For the rest: if you see the brand of your gear on our website Brands page, you may ask; if not, don't be over enthusiast about it - we don't focus on this brand or have not enough knowledge. Remember, NO remote pricing even we are interested.

We suggest you to check your spam / junk / promotion folder for a message if you don't find an answer in the coming days.

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